Potato gratin with cheese Tronchón
To 4 people
- 3 large potatoes
- 200 gr de queso Tronchón Granja Rinya.
- 200 gr de rulo de cabra Granja Rinya.
- 200 ml of liquid cream for cooking.
- Butter
- Salt and pepper
- Peel and wash the potatoes. Cut the potatoes into thin slices, 1 cm or less (we can help of a mandolin).
- In a baking dish, we spread butter and distribute a layer of potatoes in the background.
- With striped curler Tronchón cheese and cut into pieces, sprinkle over the potatoes. Salt and pepper and sprinkle with cream.
- Distribute another layer of potatoes and following the above steps until finishing with potatoes,es.
- Sprinkle the remaining cheese on top and add a few pieces of butter.
- With the oven pre-heated to 220 º, bake for 45 minutes.